"How many things would be astoundingly different in our world... if, in the midst of the shallow and superficial, we became people of more personal depth?"
"Life is not a static state, rather a dynamic, fluid situation where we are always becoming... for better or worse. So... what are you becoming more (or less) of today?"
"Don't get too caught up in what is happening to you each day... that is only the backdrop. The real story of any moment is what you are BECOMING... because of what is happening."
"Change for the better is not something that happens to you nearly so much as it is something you participate in becoming! So... are you sitting around waiting for something to happen, or are you actively participating in positive change from the inside out?"
“Even when we think children (or grandchildren) are not paying any attention, they are constantly learning about life from the way they see us respond to all of its various opportunities and challenges. My adult children may remember little of all the good advice I gave over the years, but they have an uncanny memory of particular circumstances… and how I responded. So, what lessons are we really teaching?"
"Regarding possessions, have you learned that the trap of more is a wasteland of illusion where enough, sadly, will never be enough!"
"Don't confuse acquiring a lifestyle with having a life!"
"We seldom (if ever) see purely objective reality. Why? Because everything we see and hear is all filtered through our own emotions, self concept, ingrained beliefs, conscious and sub-conscious memories, attitudes and so much more. So, allow for the fact that your view of reality will be somewhat limited, often slanted, or sometimes even flawed.”
"You cannot feel good about others unless you feel good about yourself, and you cannot feel good about yourself if you are undermining your self-esteem with unkind, thoughtless or unethical behavior. So, relentlessly pursue integrity; meaning, the self you show to the world is the self you are genuinely seeking to become on the inside."
"Unfortunately, most of us battle with a degree of shallowness whereby we are often more interested in how we LOOK, rather than how we SEE... the latter is infinitely more important."
"It matters enormously how you view your existence here... are you a body who has a spirit, or are you an eternal spirit who has a temporary body?"
"As we look at others, we too often see only the body standing before us, thus missing the immortal person inside."
"Serving others just might be the only door out of the dungeon of self-imprisonment."
"A bad habit we all too easily fall into is that of self-criticism. Without vigilant care, our self-talk tends to beat-us-up instead of build-us-up."
“Try this experiment… when you start bemoaning the things ‘you have’ to do, (obligations); look at that list again as the things ‘you get’ to do; (opportunities)! Opportunities can have a much more powerful impact on our outlook, attitude and actions!”
“There are few words talked about more and understood less than this word, LOVE. It actually has very little to do with “fuzzy emotional feelings”. It has everything to do with sincerely wanting the good for others, and doing that good when it is within your power! Think will and actions over emotions."
“This present moment is the gift of YOUR LIFE passing by… don’t lose the joy of the PRESENT by trying to relive the past or pre-live the future. The future will come soon enough… don’t miss the rewards to be found in really living this moment!”
“WHO ARE YOU? Think about it! How would you answer that question... IF... you could not refer to your work or your family? Try to write out an answer and see how difficult it is. What does that say about the source of your self-worth? Should that prompt some deeper questions about you and your life?"
“Don’t be too disheartened by your failures. I have found that I have learned a little from my successes… but I have learned volumes from my failures.”
“I beg you not to succumb to the common human tendency to take for granted those who really mean the most to you. Don’t wait until some crisis causes you to drop everything to meet their emergency. Drop everything right now, and call, write, or just show up… and listen.”
“Forgiving someone who has wronged you is not an easy choice! On the other hand, being held in emotional bondage by that person is not an easy life either… you get to choose!”
“Few people would likely admit to a ‘self-important’ attitude regarding themselves; however, we would all agree that it is a distasteful quality when we encounter it in others.”
“Do you expect that the world “owes” you something… or do you embrace your life from the core of a heart of gratitude? Either outlook will profoundly affect the way you view everything about your life!”
“The happiest and most effective persons seem to be those who can find and savor the joy in each present moment… and at the same time embrace a ‘long distance’ philosophy about life that goes far beyond our brief time on this planet.”
“If you are religious, is your religion more of an accessory that you wear on certain occasions, or is it the very core of your being?”
“Sincerity of heart seems to be of supreme importance to God! Jesus offered great hope for all kinds of sinners… all kinds… except the insincere religious!”
“Is it possible that your best friend is actually your Creator... who, though unseen, is always with you; always working behind the scenes for your eternal good?”
"Every hour of every day God is at work behind the scenes, in ways you could not possibly see or know."
“What an awesome thought… that we could have an Infinite Creator who knows us personally and has significant and eternal plans for us.”
“If you can trust God at all… why not trust Him in all? If you can trust God with anything, why not trust Him with everything?”
“Because of our finiteness, we must be careful about thinking we have arrived at a final understanding of any ETERNAL TRUTH.”
“Sincere religion will always require a great amount of FAITH. The incredible difference between the FINITE and the INFINITE is too great a gulf for human understanding to completely span… expect lots of magnificent surprises!”
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Gary Dangerfield